Emergencies - Broken Teeth

OMG! My front tooth broke! Help!

When this nightmare happens to you, Fetner & Hartigan is here to help! Our first objective is to get you out of pain and to restore your function and smile right away. We have experience in saving traumatized teeth, and if they are not savable, we will not let you leave our office without another tooth in place.

Sometimes, an immediate implant can be placed and a temporary secured. If a better aesthetic outcome can be achieved by delaying the implant placement, we will find a way, that day, to restore your smile with a temporary replacement. Take a look at our Before and After section for some examples of people we have helped.

fetner and hartigan periodontalwhat sets us apart?
A heart for serving our community
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A heart for continued education
View Implant Partnerships & Study Clubs
A heart for the environment
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